A day in the life of Jodie from the Trading Company

Members of the public can donate unwanted clothing and shoes, and our team picks it up. We receive a very good price for the clothing from our buyers, many of whom are based in mainland Europe. Donated items are often sold in clothing shops; nothing is shredded or sold as rags. Any funds are donated … Continued

Things you may not know about our helicopters

These are just some of the questions our marketing intern Ella had for JJ, one of our pilots, and Stuart, who is head of quality and a critical care paramedic. Read on for some interesting facts you may not know about our helicopters: What are the differences between Pride of Cumbria II and Guardian of … Continued

Deborah’s GNAAS journey from volunteer to community fundraiser

An integral part of our team at the Great North Air Ambulance Service (GNAAS) are our amazing community fundraisers, who work behind the scenes to coordinate, administrate and encourage fundraising activity. Being a community fundraiser means getting out into the local area and raising the profile of our charity on many levels. Meet Deborah Usher, … Continued

Spend a day with our clothing recycling team

Members of the public can donate unwanted clothing, shoes, handbags, belts or coats, and our team collects it. We receive a very good price for the clothing from our buyers, many of whom are based in mainland Europe. Donated items are often sold in clothing shops; nothing is shredded or sold as rags. Any funds … Continued

What to expect at our charity balls

This year our charity balls are being hosted on Friday 18 October at the beautiful Ramside Hall Hotel in Durham and Friday 15 November at the gorgeous boutique hotel The Halston in Carlisle. What sort of magical night awaits you? After you arrive, you’ll step out onto our luxurious red carpet like a true celebrity, … Continued

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