Years of training and refinement have gone into making the service what it is today.

But that does not mean we stand still. By constantly reviewing the way we work, researching new techniques and learning from others, we continue to improve the level of care we offer.


Our courses in pre-hospital medicine are over-subscribed and attract applicants from all over the world. We currently offer two courses:

  • Pre-hospital Emergency Anaesthesia (PHEA)
  • Pre-hospital Emergency Medicine Crew Course (PHEMCC)

But our commitment training doesn’t stop there, and that’s why we are developing the North of England’s first centre of excellence in pre-hospital medicine.

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Leading innovation

Our aim is to be a world leader in pre-hospital care. To achieve this, we have committed to a programme of research and development. Pioneering ground-breaking techniques and equipment are being brought to this region, enabled by your support.

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How we are called out

We coordinate our emergency response from our airdesk at Progress House in Eaglescliffe. By keeping an eye on 999 calls as they come in, speaking to road crew paramedics on scene, and liaising with fellow emergency services, we can quickly build a picture of the ongoing incident – and if we are needed.

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How we are regulated

As both a charity and a healthcare provider, we are subject to intense scrutiny to make sure we are performing for both our patients and our supporters. For instance, the Fundraising Regulator oversees our fundraising practices, while the Care Quality Commission oversees our clinical practice.

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The trustees

The board of trustees is responsible for making sure the charity is well run. Find out how they manage that here.

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Our Ambassadors

Our ambassadors play a vital role in our fundraising efforts, raising our profile and helping to bring in vital funding that allows us to keep saving lives.

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