Five things you should know before running the Great North Run

The Great North Run is creeping up on us! There are just a few weeks to go until Newcastle’s most iconic half-marathon.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro when it comes to running or this is your first rodeo, we thought we’d give you a few tips on how to make the most of the day.

Get your training in

You don’t want to fall at the first hurdle; be sure to set yourself a training plan in the run-up to the half-marathon – you need your legs and feet to get used to completing the long distance, whether you decide to run or walk it.

There are a number of helpful websites you can download training plans from. Whether you’re an experienced runner or a beginner, there’s a variety of exercises you can do to get yourself into shape for the big day.

Here are a few we recommend: Runner’s World, Marathon Handbook and Nike.

By the way, not all the training plans involve running! HIIT workouts and stamina classes work wonders for your jogging game.

The most important meal of the day

Breakfast! Whether you love or hate it, it’s so important you eat something before completing a lengthy run – it’s fuel to enable you to keep going for longer.

According to Runner’s World, the perfect breakfast is porridge – it’s a healthy, filling and ‘carby’ option to keep you going – top with bananas, and you’re onto a winner.

Don’t forget to allow around an hour or so for your brekkie to properly digest; you don’t want to be getting a stitch at the halfway point!

The perfect pair of trainers

Purchased a brand-new pair of trainers to wear during the run? Big mistake! You need to make sure you wear them in and know they can carry you for 13 long miles.

Our feet are fragile little things, and they rely on a strong, comfortable pair of creps when taking on distance running.

Now is the perfect time to head to a running shop and get some properly fitted for your feet and heels; some are more expensive than others, but they’re truly worth the investment, especially if you’ve caught the running bug.

Energy gels are a game changer

Trust us! These little sachets are like superpowers in your pocket: one minute, you’re feeling the fatigue; the next, you’re bursting with energy – you truly feel like Popeye after a mouthful of spinach!

They’re not the tastiest of things, but if you’re in need of a boost, pop a few in your running pouch just in case – thank us later.

The support is amazing

While you might be feeling nervous at this point, just remember there are people around you the whole way to cheer you on.

You’ll be given water, sweeties and even fruit on the way around by generous locals; they really will keep you plodding on.

We’re expecting about 300 amazing GNAAS supporters to take on the 13-mile stretch for our charity, so expect to see a sea of green t-shirts taking on the challenge, too – be sure to give them a boost if they’re in need of it!


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