Dog walker injured at Eston Nab

The Great North Air Ambulance Service (GNAAS) was called to Eston Nab, near Middlesbrough, at 1.30pm today after a walker was knocked over by her dog. The woman, believed to be in her 50s, had sustained a knee injury and was given strong pain relief before being transported to James Cook University Hospital.

The Great North Air Ambulance Service (GNAAS) was called to Eston Nab, near Middlesbrough, at 1.30pm today after a walker was knocked over by her dog.

The woman, believed to be in her 50s, had sustained a knee injury and was given strong pain relief before being transported to James Cook University Hospital. The flight took just five minutes and she arrived in a stable condition.

GNAAS was called to assist North East Ambulance Service due to the inaccessible location.

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