Mission round-up

Here’s a brief round-up of some of the missions we have attended lately: Friday 2nd: We were called to Penrith after reports of a child with a badly broken ankle.

Here’s a brief round-up of some of the missions we have attended lately:

Friday 2nd: We were called to Penrith after reports of a child with a badly broken ankle. The aircrew doctor and paramedic assessed and treated the injury before flying the patient to hospital in Carlisle.


Sunday 4th: We were called to Tow Law, near Consett, to a road traffic collision between a car and motorcyclist, leaving the male biker with serious chest and possible pelvic injuries. The doctor and paramedic crew administered strong pain relief and stabilised the patient, before flying him to the major trauma centre at Newcastle RVI. Road paramedics from the North East Ambulance Service were first on scene and had begun his medical assessment.

Monday 5th: Yorkshire Ambulance Service requested the assistance of the GNAAS doctor-led trauma team after a 55-year-old lady fell from her bicycle, near Tan Hill. She suffered head and facial injuries and was airlifted to hospital in Middlesbrough for specialised treatment. Thankfully, the lady was wearing a cycle helmet and was stable upon arrival.

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