Celebrating May’s Fundraising Heroes

The warmer months are fast approaching, which means fundraising activities are on the up! Throughout May, GNAAS supporters from far and wide have been finding ways to raise funds, come rain or shine

Each day, it costs our charity £23,200 to keep our air ambulances in the sky, and our critical care cars on the roads – it’s not light work generating those funds, but May’s fundraising heroes made it fun along the way.

Ready for a recap of all the incredible things our supporters have been up to? Let’s do this!

Slowing the pace, increasing the funds

It’s time to head back to the UK, Northumberland to be precise, where farmers across the area came together for a vintage tractor run!

In May, they made the return to Northumberland after embarking on a Coast-to-Coast journey, and supporters from villages took to the streets to cheer on their efforts.

All of these efforts to support our life-saving service… how lucky are we?

Red or black?

Shuffle the deck, pick your cards, and play your luck! That’s what locals surrounding the Robin Hood Inn did at a recent casino night.

And our charity hit the jackpot, as the evening generated £423 for our service – huge thanks to the owners of the pub for this fantastic fundraising idea. That’s a wrap for May, and what a busy month is has been! We can’t wait to see what June brings… Feeling inspired? Fundraise for GNAAS next month, you never know… you might just becoming one of our much-loved fundraising heroes.

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